Head and neck cancer  —  key message take-outs for GPs and patients

Early diagnosis is key to achieving better patient outcome. Watch our second video instalment with MercyAscot’s nurse specialist surgical oncologist, Lou Tjauw — providing key, practical take-home messaging to both GPs and patients on what to look out for when you have a worrying neck lump and what actions you can take.

The role of clinical nurse specialists and dietitians in head and neck cancer

MercyAscot runs a unique and holistic outpatient service that includes expert nutritional advice and complex wound care. Nurse Specialists Lou Tjauw and Dietitain Belinda Reeves describe how the service works.

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Vea's story

Vea Koloa came to New Zealand from Tonga for life-changing surgery to remove a benign tumour from her head.

Suregons Zac Moaveni and Joseph Chen (plastics), Andrew Cho (ear, nose and throat) and Muammar Abu-Serriah (oral and maxillofacial suregon from Auckland Head and Neck) worked with MercyAscot Private Hospitals to help Vea.

Watch and read her incredible story 

Kim McLeod’s head and neck cancer recovery

Kim McLeod, a past patient at the MercyAscot Neck Lump Clinic, talks about his journey with head and neck cancer and the importance of an early diagnosis for a better patient outcome.


Ultrasound to diagnosis in an hour:
Auckland's speediest cancer clinic

Patients at the MercyAscot Neck Lump Clinic, delivered in partnership with Mercy Radiology, go from ultrasound to diagnosis in less than an hour — saving time, money and worry. Click here to watch how this cancer clinic is helping patients.

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“Can’t get enough” — Dr Kim Gear on the assessment and management of common chronic salivary gland hypofunction

Salivary glands are exocrine glands that are part of the digestive system that produce saliva as an essential and complex fluid in the oral cavity. There are three pairs of major salivary glands, the parotid, submandibular, and the sublingual glands, and many smaller minor glands in the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx.

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